From Mailzines to Webzines Looking back at the genre you can see how its grown and taken many different paths. What was once common practice in the 80’s and mid 90’s were replaced by the millennium’s digital age. 15 years ago, and as little as 7 years ago when you wanted hear the latest on John Carpenters new film, or wanted to buy the most obscure movie you could get your hands on; you had to flip to the back pages of any of your favorite horror mags. Whether it be GoreZone, Fangoria, or Deep Red, these few little pages were a gateway to a fan base unreachable in any direction.
As a young child I remember looking at Fangoria’s Classified Ad Vault and paying $1 for a Blackest Heart Media and a Shocking Videos catalog. Every time I got an updated movie list or brand new catalog, or even a newsletter…it was like Christmas. I remember reading a 3 page fanzine I ordered out of horror mag that featured an article promoting H.G. Lewis’ Blood Feast, after seeing pictures of brains and hacked up limbs I sent in my money and ordered it on sight. Even decades before, when my father was a child you could order movie monster models, personalized Wolfman and Dracula stamps, shrunken heads, key chains, and the ever popular monster lunch box all out of the back of a comic or horrorzine. Although that practice died out like the drive-in did, its legacy is practiced today among a younger generation. Some of the first and most popular horror webzines are The Cabinet of Dr. Casey, Losman’s Lair of Horror, Arachnia’s Den of the Deceived, House of Horrors, The Zombie Farm, Homepage of the Dead, The House of Pain, and just to name a few. The list goes on but starts to dwindle; even some of the early webzines are no longer in operation. As much as this classic format needs to be remembered, it will always be alive and thriving in the communities of horror fans all across the net. Submission
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