Editorial When I started Savage Cinema, I wanted to share with the horror web community my love and knowledge of this genre. Over the course of the 3 years I was in limbo with this site I discovered some of the secrets on how to make your site successful. I had been complimented on my product several times already…so I knew it wouldn’t be hard to build a fan base. My motto was always, if you link it…they will come. No matter what web site, big or small, the more web sites your linked to…the more spiders you will get from search engines like yahoo and google. Every time I would link up with anyone horror web site I would always ask them…what tips would you give to an up and coming horror web site. This article is a compilation of all the feedback I got from over 50 different horror web masters.
your link on a lot of message boards, and put you link in your signature.
I find that always brings in a lot of people as well. -Work out some deals with webmasters. Specifically to get your banner displayed free of charge on their main pages. -Next, partner up with some film companies, have them send their films in to you for review, this brings in people and also gets you free films. -Keep expanding your site, keep the updates coming on a regular basis and people will catch on. -Join
some "Top 100" lists. These are lists that -If you have a lot of money to invest, I would say that advertising is the way to go. Get a very successful horror page to put your banner up there and your traffic could increase immensely. -Here
are some sites to go to about advertising and Link exchanging too -Plug web site in horror chartrooms -It's so cost effective to print flyers and go to local music shows and put out the word. That's a great way, plus you get to meet tons of girls. -Talk to independent film companies about reviewing their films, or projects. They can put the word out you, and you them in return. -Also try and get into touch with people who do conventions and see if they will put out flyers there as well. That's how I've come to find tons of online companies and zines. Try www.cinemawasteland.com and www.frightvision.com -Also
submit the site to http://dmoz.org/ - it's a -Also
go to http://www.ezboard.com/ and do a search for horror movies / cult
movies etc. You'll get lists of Bulletin Boards - check the BUSY ones
out some of these boards have forums especially for people to announce
their new -Also,
another way is to register with a BUSY Bulletin Board and post a topic/question
- but make sure you have a signature (containing your web address etc)
on the foot of your post - this is a subtle way to advertise your site.
I did this once and got LOADs of hits. Just don't piss people off -Find
forums where you're allowed to post about your site and make some posts.
You'd be amazed how many hits you'll get from doing that. I'll give
you the address of one right now that should bring you lots of traffic.
Not only are they in line with the context of your site, but it's a
very active forum. -Here's
some sites that send tons of hits: -Fourthly,
get your site on the major search engines. Not just Google mind you
but Rottentomatoes.com and mrqe.com, and join the links list at www.badmovieplanet.com
and -Keep adding content on a regular basis, so visitors will return to your site to see what's new. And encourage visitors to e-mail you (with questions, comments, or information).
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