June 2010, Issue #8Feature: Porno Holocaust
Being born after the movie was made and being apart of the tech generation we can discover these classics online at great places like Cinnemageddon. The movie was released in 1981 and has seen a few DVD transfers, all seem to be out of print so internet torrent sites seem to be the only solution to securing some of these lost treasures. Currently my collection of out of print exploitation films takes up half my two terabyte hard drive. The story surrounds a group of scientists who travel to a mysterious island led by Mark Shannon. On the island its like a big sexcapade where scientists split their time between sex and discovery. The scientist come to discover a zombie king with a large penis. This big dicked king zombie kills all the men on the island and rapes all of the females. The female lead is then kidnapped by the monster and eventually is rescued by Shannon. The movie is not quality by any means. The story is weak, the acting is bad, the special effect a little cheesy. But those qualities also make the movie unique.
Articles:Berdella NOW ON DVD!Its official Berdella: The Movie is now available on DVD. The movie Berdella is an independent film produced by the Northeast Film Group. The movie is a biography on infamous KC serial killer, Bob Berdella. Many historians claim that his murderous run was more violent than that of Milwaukee's Jeffrey Dahmer. The movie was released theatrically on September 10th, 2009 in Kansas City, Missouri. In June of 2010 the DVD of Berdella was officially released. You can order the DVD below using the "Buy Now" button or at the official movie web site. Be sure to check out the official movie web site: http://www.bobberdella.com
Chas Balun RIP
Too $hort: Living Legend
Too Short, real name Todd Anthony Shaw, is a 43 year old rapper from Oakland California. He is the longest tenured active rapper in the world. His rap style hasn't changed much over the course of three decades. His albums don't sell like they used to be he still is Too Short and his fan following is still there. Too Short is the original West Coast rapper, Short started making tapes and selling them to drug dealers to play in their cars. It was a time when sub woofers and loud base were gaining popularity in the mid-late 80s and his goal wasn't to make club music or dance floor music, it was music for the car, music with loud base that would hit hard when your driving around, flexing. I've been listening to the music, and its quite the collection.
Reviews:The Mother of Tears (La Terza Madre)
The Mother of Tears, La Terza Madre, is an occult/supernatural type film that follows the same formula put forth by Suspiria and Inferno. While this movie has really good camera work I was let down a little bit by the lighting, considering how amazing the lighting was in both Suspiria and especially Inferno. And like all Argento movies there's always a few flaws. But in the end the flaws don't out weigh the good that the film encompasses.
Survival of the Dead
George was able to offer a story under a different setting, putting the pandemic on an island. The movie also has a military presence that is reminiscent of Day of the Dead. Chronologically this film takes place at the same time of Diary of the Dead, it is not a sequel to that film.
Welcome to Death Row
This extraordinary documentary details the rise and the fall of the original gangster rap label Death Row Records. What makes this movie so powerful is just how much information it actually has in it. The movie starts out talking about NWA, Eazy E, and Dr. Dre as a prelude to the springing of Death Row Records. A lot of time is dedicated to the roots of Death Row Records, how they got their original funding and the men behind Suge Knight, Harry 'O' (Michael Harris), and attorney David Kenner.
Previously Viewed: Sisters of Satan (Alucarda)
On this awful VHS, the opening credit sequence is different, in very 80s style the screen goes black and Sisters of Satan appears in a Metallica type font set. The producers of this VHS release probably didn't know this wasn't the same movie as what they were advertising on the cover. I am interested in watching the other Sisters of Satan now. If you type in Sisters of Satan on IMDB both movies show up because they both are known as Sisters of Satan in some part of the world. It is just a testament to the horrible treatment foreign films got in the 1980s tape market.
100% Weird: 1990 Bronx Warriors
The movie itself is text book American movie rip off, and on that basis alone...The 1990 Bronx Warriors is one of the greatest of its kind. The movie is a good cross between Escape from New York and The Warriors. The story goes, in 1990 the Bronx has been declared No Mans Land, where their streets are divided by rival gangs. The concept of a blocked off no man's land comes from Escape from NY, and the rival street gangs is reminiscent of the Warriors. Castellari does a great job crossing each movie's concepts. After watching the extra features interview with Fred Williamson, I've also really come to like the movie's editing. Knowing that they only filmed in New York for a few days and shot the majority of the movie in urban Rome.
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