Django from the start is high octane, I don't know why but the theme music just gets me. I catch myself when I'm alone singing, DJANGO...DJANGO.. The lead is played by my favorite spaghetti western actor, Franco Nero. Nero is Django by all accounts, Thomas Milan in the sequel doesn't hold a torch. Now I'm a big Keoma fan but Django is in a class of its own. I think its better than The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, which critics claim is the best western of all time. Django's story has similarities to a Fistful of Dollars. A town torn between white and mexican cowboys. Django through the first half of the movie is seen everywhere with his coffin. A large wooden coffin he lugs around with him at all times. The viewer nor any of the characters knows exactly what's inside the coffin. And what is it you might ask? A coffin hauling a gatling gun. Makes you question whether Robert Rodriguez got his idea of a guitar case full of guns from Django's coffin... Django is recommended for anyone who hasn't had a chance to view it. It is definitely one of those movies you can watch over and over again. Django also happens to be one of the more violent spaghetti westerns of its time. It doesn't shy away from the violence and comes loaded with more blood and gore than you normally got from comparable American cinema.
Supplemental Information:Film Info: Title: Django Release Date: December 1966 (USA) Runtime: 93 min (Italy) Director: Sergio Corbucci Tagline: The movie that spawned a genre. IMDB Profile: |