Ruggero Deodato's House on the Edge of the Park Sick, Perverted,
Crazed, and demented…only a few of the words you can try to use to describe
House on the Edge of the Park. You either love it or you hate it. There
is no middle ground to distinguish your opinion. This highly under-ratted
classic proves Deodato’s talent as a director and In a sleazy tale of the urban working class vs. the witty and sophisticated Jersey suburbians, you’re introduced to two cruel and unusual characters. Alex, played by David Hess, the demented sociopath we all know and love from Craven’s Last House on the Left, is teamed up with Giovanni Lombardo Radice, in his first film role as Ricky, Hess’ moronic and socially misfit sidekick. The opening of
the film sets up Hess’ character Alex as a force-full yet controlling
individual who will go out of his way to get what he wants. Stopping
his car in front of young girl’s vehicle, he runs over to her and immediately
rapes her out in the middle of a park. The following evening, a young
couple bring their car in for repair at Hess’ auto shop. While Radice
fixes the alternator, Hess manages to talk his way into having Attacking Howard,
the party goer with the only balls, Hess has now successfully gained
control of the entire house and while holding it hostage has his own
fun with everyone individually. Victim number one, Gloria played by
Lorraine De Selle, is chosen as first pick by Radice, who Hess orders
to rape in front of everyone. Radice, scared and confused, refuses and
puts Hess in a positon to show how it’s done. Ordering Belle to give
him oral sex, smashing the life out of Tom, Christian Borromeo’s face,
and scaring the others into a state of unrenowned shock; Hess has made
his point. The climatic point of the film is around the time were introduced
to Cindy, the un-lucky friend who stops by the house looking to party.
Once Hess gets her into the house he exploits her in front of everyone,
ripping away at her clothes from Fastening her to the couch, Hess uses the infamous razor blade, synonymous to the international cover art, to torture and eventually murder her. Radice who notices Hess has been driven to the edge, try’s to stop him from murdering her…only to be gutted by the blade himself. Once Hess realizes he’s attacked his best friend he vows to end the lives of all the hostages. Unfortunately, for Hess’ sake, Tom has grabbed his gun from the living room drawer and stopped Hess from doing anymore harm by shooting him first in the leg then several times in other parts of the body. You learn of Tom’s relation to the girl Hess raped in the park the evening before, and his motive behind the whole setup and how killing Hess would wind up as self-defense. House on the Edge of the Park, or House of the Park on the Edge as the Italian’s translate it, is crude, cold, and bitter. Your left wondering how easily a night of sheer torture and random acts of violence can be commonly found in today’s society. In one of David Hess’ most demoralizing roles he doesn’t fail to give a 110% in this true display of Savage Cinema. Facts about the Movie- DeSelle and Radice made this film a year before Cannibal Ferox so all promotional material calling them Ferox Alumni is rather faulty. Hess claims that this film is the middle in his trilogy of sociopathic characters. With Last House on the Left (72) being first, and The HitchHike (77) being third. House on the Edge of the Park was released in 1980 so it is actually the third in final film in his trilogy. Deodato claims that he was out of work for five years after the controversial release of Cannibal Holocaust in 1979, However his next film House on the Edge of the Park was released a year later in 80. The film occasionally credited with a release date of 1984 was actually filmed in 1979 and released theatrically in 1980. Running Time: 91 mins. Language(s): Italian (English Dub) Subtitles: None Distributor: Shriek Show [A USA-Based Distributor] Rating: UN - "Unrated. This film has not been rated by the review board." Features: Anamorphic Widescreen; Interviews With David Hess and others; Original Theatrical Trailer Submission
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