Godfather of Gore, Herschell Gordon Lewis, is a true pioneer in cult
carnage. Running wild in the 60's nudie-cutie craze with producer David
F. Friedman, this team went on to compile several other films. While
filming Bell, Bare and Beautiful in a seedy Miami hotel, they
developed an idea for something new that would grab audiences attention.
With their depart from the nudie film culture, Friedman and Lewis created
Blood Feast. All shot in the same location as Bare and Beautiful,
they finished this splatter fest in under a month. With under $25,000
invested into this film, they doubled their money in only one showing.
Feast is centered around the macabre slayings of several women in a
quiet well kept suburban neighborhood. Interesting enough, each murder
becomes more grisly as we come to the climax of the film. The main character
is an Egyptian caterer named Fuad Ramses who busies himself by collecting
body parts from young maidens in sacrifice to his God Ishtar. Meanwhile,
cop Pete Thornton played by William Kerwin, develops a niche for Egyptology
and becomes aware of the ancient Egyptian cults who not only practice
these bizarre "Blood Feasts" but also worship Ishtar. Kerwin's
girlfriend in the film is Suzette Fremont played by the 1963 Playboy
Playmate of the Month (June), Connie Mason. Mason who also shares an
interest in the cults of ancient Egypt, is surprisingly thrown an Egyptian
theme party by her mother.
Bolton (Mrs. Fremont), Mason's mother chose author of "Ancient
Weird Religious Rites", Fuad Ramses to cater
the party. Ramses, played by Mal Arnold humbly agrees and assures Mrs.
Fremont that the feast will be rather authentic and he feels it necessary
to prepare all elements of food himself. In preparing the meal Arnold
gathers a leg of blonde haired woman, brains a la carte, tongue of drunken
whore, and blood of busty brunette. Lastly one ingredient still remains.
The final sacrifice that wont be prepared until the moment of the ceremony
on the sacrificial altar. In this, a kitchen island.
who discovers that all victims were woman who ordered Ramses book develops
a hunch. Upon ordering the illegal unwarranted search and seizure of
Ramses Exotic Catering store, they discover the mutilated body of the
most recent victim. At that moment, Kerwin realizes that Ramses is catering
the dinner party at the Fremont estate, and that a true Blood Feast
is the main coarse. In the final stages of the film Arnold convinces
Mason to not break the heart of an old man by lying on her back with
her eyes closed and to give herself up to Ishtar. Luckily mother Fremont
walks in, and in sheer terror uncovers Ramses with a machete in hand
and a moment from slicing the life out of her daughter. Luckily Arnold
makes a run for it, only to be followed by a group of dimwitted cops
who couldn't catch up to him if he had no legs let alone a limp. As
he enters the vicinity of a garbage dump he hops inside one of the trucks
in hopes of a getaway. Unfortunately, for his sake, he is compressed
by the dumpster along with all the other trash floating along inside.
and Lewis thought that by adding not just Blood to the picture but to
make "gore" the basis of the film, that they would develop
a new form of exploitation picture far more profitable than their former
nudies. It was with the release of the 1963 shocker Blood Feast
that a new culture in film would develop on the horizon. Lewis was a
true innovator. With the production help of Friendman, they went on
to make 2 following pictures that would complete their "Blood Trilogy".
Those films were 2000 Maniacs, and Color Me Blood Red.
Blood Feast will always go down in history as the movie that started
it all. Adding buckets of blood to a black and white film screen and
tarnishing the image of wholesome family entertainment.
so appalling in the annals of horror! You'll recoil and shudder as you
witness the slaughter and mutilation of nubile young girls--in a weird
and horrendous ancient rite! Box Office Spectaculars presents BLOOD
FEAST--more grisly than ever in Blood Color!"